Interior Painting
Preparation and Painting on fresh surfaces or repainting over existing paint. This could include wooden joinery, (window frames) architraves, skirting, Scotia’s, cabinets, walls and ceilings most commonly.
Timber Maintenance
Timber is unique to other surfaces in that it needs specific preparation techniques to ensure its longevity. Inquire with PainterPro how we can increase the beauty and life of your timber indoor/outdoor furniture today!
Exterior Painting
Every 5-7 years the exteriors of the house should be repainted. This requires special equipment and paint. Professional help is strongly recommended to get beautiful results and to use the right paint for extreme weather conditions.
Fence & Pergola Painting
Outdoor areas require special paint and expertise. PainterPro can paint, stain or seal your fences, deckings, steps and entrances and even your driveway. Inquire for pricing today!
Roof Painting
Roof Painting is a specialised job that requires safety protocols and the correct equipment and paint, enquire with PainterPro for a ‘free’ no obligation quote and give your roof a beautiful new look and be the envy of your neighbours!
Commercial Painting
As commercial painters, we serve a wide range of clients and provide a quality finish with attention to detail. No job too big or small for PainterPro so send us your plans and let us send you our estimation.